Monthly Archives: May 2013

Interactively Comparing Result of Malaysia GE13 vs GE12

Comparing Result of GE12 vs GE 13Recently, I have posted 2 articles about usage of GIS in General Election (GE) and for politician.

Now, after the GE13 (13th General Election) or PRU13 dust has settled, it is worth to look back and compare the result of GE13/PRU13 with GE12/PRU12. One of the best way to compare before and after effect is using Esri Swipe Tool. The Swipe Layer tool is used to interactively reveal layers beneath the layer being swiped by aligning the maps side by side. You will able to see the result of GE13/PRU13 and/or GE12/PRU12 as you swipe from left/right without having to turn the map layers on and off in the table of contents.

After successfully introducing GIS-based interactive map to enhance election news coverage at recent GE13, Esri Malaysia and The Star Online team once again collaborating to present GE12/GE13 comparison map for Malaysian readers. You can see the interactive GE12/GE13 comparison map for both parliament and state/DUN seats on the following links :-

Once again, kudos to The Star Online team for their commitment and innovation in presenting the best to their readers. Well done !

ArcGIS Online: the evolution continues

ArcGIS Online is an effective way to disseminate and share your GIS work with larger audience. It is SaaS by subscription that bundled together with Esri Maps for Office (MS Excel & Powerpoint). ArcGIS transform your GIS to serve everyone (GIS professional, user, developer), across different devices, anywhere, anytime and anyplace.

Esri Australia

ArcGIS Online is evolving at a rapid pace – there’s no doubt about it. As I was putting my fingers to the keyboard for this final part of a three part series on the December release, Esri announced another major release on 19 March. My plan for the final part of this trilogy was to discuss Task Services – and I will cover that off, in what will now be an overview of the March release.

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Smarter Way of Sharing Geospatial Data

Call me naive if you wish, but I’m a true believer of community basemap for Malaysia will take off one day.

What is a community basemap ? Community basemap is a collective effort by geospatial industry player to share authoritative, multi-scale vector and imagery data at local, state and national level for public consumption to kick-start their GIS activity.

I reckon my believe is supported by the following observed facts :-

  • People is willing to share when they know they don’t have to surrender the ownership of their data
  • Sharing will make them more popular when more users are depending on their data
  • They don’t have to be responsible for the errors associated with the use of data that they have shared out
  • They are meaningfully helping others and justify their spending with tangible and intangible economic benefits
  • It doesn’t cost them much (time/resources/money) to publish their data for sharing.

Imagine if Agency Remote Sensing of Malaysia (ARSM) is caching and publishing the latest and authoritative satellite imagery of Malaysia as image service discoverable and accessible by all

Imagine if Department of Survey and Mapping of Malaysia (JUPEM) is caching and publishing the accurate and authoritative topo map, large-scale map as map services for general public.

Imagine if local and state authorities are caching and publishing their landuse, zoning, structure plan and local plan etc as map services for citizen.

Imagine if Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) is publishing feature services and leverage on citizen as their sensor to solicit feedback through crowd-sourcing.

My imagination is limitless but suffices to list a few for this post.

I’m sure you will agree with me, when these efforts take off ground (I’m not using “if” because I’m convinced it will happen someday, just a matter of time), this will ideally help accelerate geospatial industry development in Malaysia.

Let’s work towards early realization of this notion, shall we?

Summing up GIS in Defence & Intelligence week

Great key take-home message from Director of DIGO that can be apllied to all – “Get started today on creating the new tomorrow. Start small, innovate and continuously review.”

Esri Australia

The dust has now settled on a busy week of activities broadly dubbed our GIS in Defence and Intelligence week. Culminating in a full day of presentations and demonstrations last Friday the Esri Australia Defence and Intelligence team, with support from Esri Inc and Exelis VIS, took a look at how GIS is transforming the National Security sector.  

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Expanding local knowledge through Community Maps

Community Maps Program – from the community, for the community.

Esri Australia

Esri’s Community Maps Program allows users to share their local content in the Cloud with the global GIS community. The City of Melbourne was the first Australian council to make its spatial data freely available through the Program. We sat down with Esri Australia Senior Consultant Andrew Langdon to learn more about Community Maps, and why local councils might consider taking part.

Esri Australia: Andrew, how significant was the City of Melbourne’s decision to make its spatial data freely available?
Andrew: It’s hugely significant. Melbourne now sits alongside New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and other major cities as one of the first in the world to contribute to a new World Topographical Map, and join the Community Maps Program. From a local perspective, ratepayers – as well as the broader community – can now freely access Melbourne’s spatial data as a basemap, which displays building sites, parcel boundaries, tree locations and other layers.

EA: Can you tell us a bit about the Community Maps Program? What…

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