Monthly Archives: April 2015

Crime Fighting with Smart Mapping Technology

Location, location, location – GIS or smart mapping technology is equipping law enforcement agencies with location analytic advantage to carry out their duties effectively and diligently.

By using GIS technology, Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) is taking a smart approach to fight crimes. These guardian of our safety and security are given the location intelligence capabilities to: quickly identify and visualize high-crime areas, study variables on possible causes of crime, monitor the effectiveness of crime prevention efforts, and efficiently mobilize their resources.

Find out more about crime fighting with smart mapping technology in my latest interview by ComputerWorld recently. Kudos to ComputerWorld for creating more awareness about the usage of GIS in empowering our men and women in uniforms.

You can read more about the interview and Q&A with ComputerWorld here.

The author was on low profile lately due to some hiccups in his personal health. Thank God, he is on course to full and healthy recovery after winning his battle against pheochromocytoma.